“What They Don’t Teach You About Becoming an Artist in School”(Motivation)
Ouchi Gallery, Brooklyn
In my last entry, I promised to tell where the idea for this blog sprung from, didn’t It?
Well, that has a link to the reason the gallery was started.
Let’s take a Time Trip to six years ago, to the year 2008....
There we meet a woman who spends most of her days painting. She and I have been friends for 15 years now, but at that time she often considered taking her own life. Nevertheless, the one thing she loved to do was painting pictures. During one of my visits, I felt that showing her art to the people was the only thing I could do for her.
With just these feelings, the gallery was born.
This year marks the sixth year since I began supporting Japanese artists, all from that single motive.
Welcome to the Ouchi Gallery, the one and only!
The word “ouchi” (pronounced “oh-oo-chee”) is Japanese for “home. I really do feel as if I’ve come home. The art is, of course, very special but it was named “Ouchi” because it is a place to relax, feel at home, and love art.
The main point is this: it all started with a single thought.
The motivation created life, no?
Next time, just for you readers out there, I will discuss starting artist activities overseas (for beginners)!
PLEASE “Like” this post to help get me started! Thank you for reading!