In Buddhism, 10 boundaries means 10 kinds of stages moves back and forth inside of human.
The stage includes the stage of starvation or the stage of mercy,
and all people don't stay at the same stage and always moves up and down.
I believe that if the 10 boundaries is stable and control yourself and set a high goals to stay at the same stage, the phenomenon happens that meeting the person who at the same stage inside of your heart.
In the same way, the person who live like an animal with a instinct meet inside of their heart with the same other person.
I guess...psychologist, Jung calls it a synchronicity.
He wants to tell that the inside of heart are connected as the sea...
When I meet you inside of heart,
I feel the happiest and be more me than anytime
and when we feel that we live in the same place.
I'm always looking forward to seeing you inside of our heart...
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